Thursday, December 22, 2011

Women in Torah times?

I'm writting a paper comparing women of today to the ones that lives in the times the Torah was written. Any info? sources? books? dependable websites?

Why are U.S. Christians so self righteous and egotistical.?

You have not offered any evidence this is a Christian problem. Many in the US who are not religious are still neocon "true patriots" who follow just this line of thinking, and there are some Christians who are willing to question such actions.

What's the best way to move my horses from dry lot to green pasture?

only turn them out for about 20 minutes you should keep increasing it from there. we do this a lot, our main lot is a dry lot and when we out them in the pastures for a while. hope this helps!

I want to do night ocean photography. what weather conditions do i need for the longest view from shore?

I would like to go to a nice dark area for night photography in between san deigo and los angeles. But sometimes when i go out at night a mist over the ocean stops me from getting a good shot. I have over $4000 of new canon equipment including a tripod, external timers, bubble levelers and canon L lenses. i just need help in finding out what weather conditions i need to get the longest shot over the horizon, so i can see the stars all the way down.

This boy doesent even know me?

Find out what his hobbies are - join his clubs at school. Start working out, wear conservative clothes and he'll notice you.

How can I tell if I have fibromyalgia or MS? I have all the symptoms of fibro but most of the ones for MS as?

as well except that most of my joints crackle and make noise when I move. I am in constant pain and seem to be getting worse. I am extremely fatigued all day but have trouble sleeping at night and have bad repeating dreams that I can never remember. I am so tired of this that I am ready to anything to feel better and have even contemplated suicide just to make the pain go away. please help?

What is going on in Hollyoaks?

the irish bloke kept making ste go on lads nights out n kept him away from rae n any women then one night got ste drunk n kissed him and it spiraled from there but in secret, Amy has found out and was really pleased for them, said she would keep it a secret but irish bloke wasnt happy she knew and threatened her. duno about teresa i didnt realise she had gone anywhere but i no carmel knows she killed calvin and has taken baby Angel off of her.