Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Depression in Pregnancy?

Hi, I know I may annoy some people who are struggling to conceive but I am getting more and more down about being pregnant. I am 33 weeks and so far have had so many problems ranging from urine infections to gastric flu to gestational diabetes (I could name many more trust me!) I am just so fed up with things going wrong. I feel like I am jinxed and something will go wrong with the baby during birth. I know I am lucky that the baby is healthy and kicking and I really want my baby. Im just so down that I have not enjoyed the last 8 months. I feel like I have failed already, everyone else loves being pregnant but me. I also worry I wont love my baby, no matter how much I am looking forward to him coming. My other half is at a loss what to do as I am so low all the time. He is trying but my sudden lack of motivation has meant the house looks a mess all the time as he is still in batchelor mode, expecting me to do everything. I just dont know what to do anymore. I feel so low and upset all the time and I hate feeling like this. None of my friends have had children and keep saying im being silly and things will be fine but they dont understand. I have nobody who understands how I feel. Its horrible.

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