Sunday, December 18, 2011

I want a report on how man's interaction with nature has resulted in different hazardous situations .?

Q1)how man's interaction with nature has resulted in different hazardous situations such as 1) deforestation & soil erosion causing floods and droughts. 2)faulty constructional practices leading to disasterous impact on life & property during cyclone and earthquake. 3)water scarcity in rural and urban areas.4) uncontrolled growth of settlements on hazardous in slopes causing landslides.Q2) from the topic 'our earth- its diverse environment' i have to choose any one of the realm of the earth and collect information about it. I have choosen 'water' please give information about it. Q3) I want collection of festivals vitials that are ociated with the realm I have chosen.i.e. water.Q4) design posters or slogans for generating awareness about 'water'.

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